Resonance ♥ Beings of Frequency ◦ A Must-See Documentary

Shumann Resonance Explained

Winfried Otto Schuman was a German physicist who predicted the Schumann resonances, a series of low-frequency resonance caused by lighting discharges in the atmosphere.  He discoved that the earth had a pulse.  A frequency.  7.83 HZ to be exact.

We human's also vibrate at 7.83 Alfa.  We are in turn with our planet.  We are ONE in the same as our mother earth.

Mother Earth is going up in frequency though the collective consciousness.  We are all apart of this amazing experience.  There is no turning back!!  YOU are a part of this.  Learn how to higher your frequency or parish.  There's no other way.  Those who chose to live in the lower frequency realm have no place here anymore.  WE are here to stay.

We can control our reality through our perception.  We draw to us like a magnet what ever it is we are THINKING.


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